We work dynamically to respond to changing landscapes and project needs.

We support projects of all sizes at various stages of their development, contributing to outcomes which safeguard the dignity and rights of communities and protect the local environment.

Expertise to anticipate and respond to the emotional landscape that emerges around major projects.

We provide social impact assessments that meet regulatory requirements, develop bespoke mitigation approaches that consider impacts and opportunities, and undertake the tough stakeholder engagements and negotiations necessary to enable infrastructure construction and operations.

By drawing on impact assessment, communication, community, and stakeholder expertise, and specialising in infrastructure planning and delivery, we sync with project teams to ensure social risk is effectively managed, regulatory approvals are secured and social licence is continuously maintained.

Our Experience.

We have experience across many different sectors, from working in Australia, the Pacific, Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. For any project we combine global expertise with local knowledge and perspective to achieve shared value.

  • Renewable and traditional energies

  • Transport

  • Roads, marine and aviation infrastructure

  • Water, hygiene and sanitation

  • Health infrastructure

  • Schools and secondary education

  • International development

  • Social protection

  • Social safeguards

  • The Blue Economy

  • Livelihoods and cooperative development

Community & Stakeholder Engagement

We have proven experience in designing and delivering robust programs of engagement, often acting as the first point of contact for local and impacted communities and various project stakeholders. We value place management and provide meaningful opportunities for local input to be incorporated into all stages of the project lifecycle.

Impacted Landowner Negotiations

We understand that complex infrastructure can have transformational impacts on local communities, and we are experienced in assessing those impacts and negotiating fair and just compensation or mitigation measures.  We have proven experience applying the Just Terms Compensation Act, as well as designing bespoke compensation frameworks, and we pride ourselves on our ability to respectfully manage human impacts associated with this work.

Social & Environmental Assessments

We provide social and environmental safeguard advice for proposed developments, identifying and assessing potential impacts and opportunities which is crucial in designing appropriate management or mitigation measures. We support this process through stakeholder identification, consultation, and targeted social impact assessment/mitigation and management.

Project Planning & Approvals

We understand that community engagement is essential to a project’s planning and approval phase and have successfully designed and implemented statutory consultation activities to attain project acceptance. We have proven experience developing consultation reports for submission to relevant planning authorities including environmental, social and specialist components such as biodiversity and offsets.

Strategic Advice

We are experienced in crisis communications and provide strategic advice to project teams, boards, ministerial offices, and community & stakeholders in response to a range of contentious issues, including loss of social license, community outrage, project design and safety and environmental concerns. We believe robust, sustainable practices underpin social licence and reduce project risks.

Research & Analysis

We perform research, analysis and assessments to determine a project’s feasibility and underpin informed decision making. We believe robust baseline data is fundamental and contributes to successful planning and design, policy development and industry benchmarking. We can provide support in areas such as post-disaster needs assessment, community and cultural context, environmental studies and economic evaluation.

Monitoring & Evaluation

We offer monitoring and evaluation throughout the project lifecycle, helping to support evidence-based management decisions and uphold accountability. By analysing the health of a project in real-time, we can assess likely project success, as well as identify and implement organic responses and mitigation strategies to improve project outcomes.

International Development

We identify and assess opportunities for synergistic partnerships, working with clients, partners and the local community to create shared value within the development and infrastructure space. We aim to foster stronger social connections and environmental understanding to boost project acceptance, support planetary health and achieve sustainable and meaningful outcomes within the communities we work.

We can help you with your next project.