Project: HumeLink - Impacted Landowner Consultation

Strengthening community engagement and restoring project social licence.

Client: Transgrid

Project Dates: 2021-ongoing    

Services Delivered:

  • Strategy & action plan development

  • Landowner communications & collateral development

  • Community place management

  • Remote community engagement

  • Negotiations and land acquisition


Project Background:

HumeLink is a new 500kV transmission line which will connect Wagga Wagga, Bannaby and Maragle. It is one of the state’s largest energy infrastructure projects, with about 360km of proposed new transmission lines, and new or upgraded infrastructure at the three substation locations. The project will increase the amount of electricity that can be delivered to customers across the National Electricity Market, assisting the transition to a greater mix of low-emission renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar.

The Challenge:

In 2021, a review by the  Independent Landowner Advocate highlighted the significant dissatisfaction of landowners and community members with project engagement to date. There was a real and urgent need to improve project consultation to ensure that meaningful dialogue was supported to achieve project outcomes and to restore overall social licence.

Our Approach:

Social Atlas renewed the approach to engagement on the project, setting the revised engagement strategy, developing issue-based action plans and providing expert regionally-based consultants to support and deepen engagement practices. This included standing-up new Place Manager and Community Place Manager roles to better reach remote communities along the transmission line.

Comprehensive stakeholder mapping and analysis was carried out to ensure affected project stakeholders were appropriately considered during project development and the team worked proactively with specialists, planners, and valuers, distilling technical information into plain language to support impacted landowners to make informed decisions. Social Atlas also coordinated a review of landowner communications collateral, ensuring an audience-first approach was applied. 

In addition to strengthening communication with impacted landowners, Social Atlas consultants focused on building effective internal and external stakeholder relationships, and sensitive and/or hard-to-reach stakeholder groups were also identified and engaged with. These included community action groups, representative and advocacy bodies, and Local Aboriginal Land Councils. The team advocated on behalf of sensitive receivers and impacted landowners and continuously provided advice back to project teams about community interests, impacts and emerging contentious issues. This approach supported greater information flow between community and planners, and contributed to the route refinement and land acquisition process. An Opportunities Register was also created to identify potential benefits for the community, be that through local business contracts, community partnership grants or shared projects.

 In addition to embedded resources, Social Atlas has delivered stand-alone projects, such as a Social Impact Assessment consultation, further supporting effective engagement practice.

Project Outcomes:

The follow-up review of landowner engagement practices on the project noted the contributions made by the Social Atlas team to improve sentiment and outcomes for impacted landowners, evidencing the results of our dedicated team and their commitment to meaningful consultation outcomes.

Social Atlas has been engaged on the HumeLink project since 2021, and since this time the services they have provided have been diverse and extensive and have contributed to improving engagement outcomes with landowners as well as restoring social licence.

As a result of their success on the HumeLink project, I would seek to replicate the use of Place Managers on future projects to improve landowner input during design development, planning approvals and land acquisition processes. I highly recommend Social Atlas as a trusted supplier, based on their knowledge, sound strategic advice, proactive and seamless service delivery, and the empathetic approach of their consultants in the field.

Naomi Rowe, Engagement Lead - HumeLink, Transgrid

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